Why new years resolutions start February and not a minute before

Welcome to February! The REAL first month of the year.

January is nothing but a tease. It over-promises with its “new beginning” vibe, yet completely under delivers. But I think we’re all the wiser now. 

Reclaiming your fighting self in January, after the holiday season’s gluttonous and devil-may-care antics, is ambitious. If not completely delusional. This is only compounded, with the knowledge that there is just is one more public holiday (hello Australia Day) looming over the horizon. Yet another excuse to take the foot off the brake and inhale bottles of vino, cheese platters and hot carbs that could very well spill into an entire week. So, really, as we all know, there is no point to attempt to be “new year’s you” when you’re soon going to blow it all in one fell swoop.

Finally, with pesky January out of the way—it’s ALL about February, the actual first functional month of the year. 

So here’s what I’ve got cooking for 2021:

Reflecting on Life at Berts Newport

Say No to The Paws

I’m not doing it. I’ve decided—I will NOT do menopause. I’m too young and vibrant to have my body burn in a furnace of unsightly hot flushes, vile moods (see below) and other physical HORRORS. But thank you, Instagram and Facebook for always reminding me about the imminent terror with your graphic sponsored ads that plague my feed. You won’t beat me down! 

Thankfully, I”m ahead of the game with my magician of an acupuncturist who is keeping the motor running. Thank you, Ross Penman! I would offer you my firstborn, but we all know that ship has sailed.

Stop The Hate

There is much to do of late about “hate speech”. And I know a lot about it because at this age (see above), I’m RIDDLED with “hate speech” (in my mind. Mostly.) So…I’ve decided that I’m going to LET GO OF resentment. 

That’s right—just let that toxicity go. Ignore peri-pausal seething anger. Focus on flowers and Champagne. Pat my Pomeranian. Be adorable.

Keep Moving

Yawn. So predictable—like everyone else in the first world, I want to get fit. The truth is, and I don’t want to make a big song and dance about it, I AM FIT. Due to the unexpectedly close relationship I developed with my Cross Trainer during CoVid unemployment (it previously was an athletic-looking clothes hanger), I am now fit. Who knew? 

However, I’m still not down to my birth-weight because after dieting from 5 years old, I’ve realised diets don’t work. It was a light-bulb moment.

And now is certainly NOT the time to be depriving oneself of Champagne and treats (see above). Yet, I do want to up the ante with the exercise. Maybe reveal those abs that are lurking below the jelly-belly.

I also would like to grow my own booty with some BUTT exercises (I’m obsessed with big booties).

Getting strong and feeling vibrant, rather than reaching the lifetime elusive “goal weight” is a more achievable goal. 

And yes, I still very much want to be a swimwear model (not joking).

Finish what I’ve started 

I love a self -help book as much as the next person. BUT I have some type of aversion to finishing them. It’s like I read 2 chapters, and I feel instantly cured of my sloppy habits. Not this time friends—I’m going to Atomic Habit my way to VICTORY. 

Ignore The Voice

As I re-invent myself into a copywriter, I’m going to ignore the voice that says: “You suck! Go back to being a TV makeup artist, loser!”

I WAS a TV makeup artist. I’m now a copywriter and content creator. (If you could only see me now, plugging away at the keyboard like a profesh WRITER.)

I’m also going to not throw in the towel as I learn new skills that make my head hurt. Discomfort is just a small bump in the road. 

This is the new Atomic Habit me.

Save The World From Beige Eye-Shadow

Because I have been a makeup artist since the Jurassic era, I can’t help but notice women in their twilight years stuck in a makeup vortex, which hurts my eyes. Ladies, I’m here to help. On this very site, I will be producing more vids to help you look hot, and avoid the pitfalls of makeup that makes you look OLD. You’re welcome. 

Get Organised

Okay, so my mother is a hoarder, and I was never taught how to be super organised, like the other kids. It’s not my fault! But you know what? In 2021, I’m going to be THAT person—the Marie Kondo person who is neat and tidy and only has items that bring JOY. 

It is high time to clear the office, the computer, the cupboards and the mind. 

Learn Stuff

Yep, I am the queen of second-guessing: ‘Toast smothered in Nutella with a chopped up banana, hello the perfect breakfast—300 calories?’ 

‘ I think I only drank 3 glasses of Champagne last night?’

‘ My computer is sluggish…I think it’s full and it won’t be like, on.’

So, I want to keep learning stuff, even if it means just improving 1% a day (Atomic Haaaabits). Learn the dealio; keep that brain-box ticking over. As aforementioned, ride the discomfort wave like a pro surfer of life (who is this person).

Procrastination (Less Of, Thanks)

As THE life-coach of life-coaches, Anthony Robbins once said (a serious go-getter): “Procrastinate about procrastination. Put off procrastination.” 

Great words, Toni! I’m going to procrastinate about that tomorrow

And when it all gets way too hard, and I want to throw the toys out the pram and wallow in my own defeat, I will recall these words:

The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Be patient and stay the course.

Fabienne Fredrickson


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